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Essential XUL

The jXUL Layered Architecture

The jXUL architecture is composed of vertical and horizontal layers. The separation allows for abstractions to be limited to small functional areas. Such small abstractions are more easily understood, more easily mixed and matched and more easily implemented. A description of each layer is below.

Each Layer will have its own Java package. Here is a list of the current packages:
  • org.jxul.applet
  • org.jxul.css
  • org.jxul.framework
  • org.jxul.js
  • org.jxul.xulrunner
  • org.jxul.util
  • more on the way...

Xul Widgets
Each XUL element is represented with its own class that extends an existing Swing JComponent. These classes will be instantiated either from a DOM Element or a text fragment from a XUL file.
CSS Styling
A set of classes representing CSS Stylesheets, CSS Styles and the ability to apply these styles to XUL widgets.
JavaScript Engine
Supports XUL applications by embedding the Rhino JavaScript interpreter. Secondly, a package (js) will be created to represent the translation of JavaScript built in objects (like document and window) into their Java GUI counterparts.
XBL (The eXtensible Binding Language)
To Be Delivered (TBD). This part has not yet been designed. Your suggestions are welcome.
Xul Runner
Modeled after the AppletRunner. This Java program will run complete XUL applications (allowing scripting in JavaScript). The goal is to allow a XUL application to be shipped as a standalone java program. The Xul Runner will start out by parsing a XUL XML file and creating a DOM. The DOM will be traversed and XUL widgets will be created. Every XUL Widget (subclass of JComponent) will be associated to its corresponding DOM node in a peer map. If a CSS file exists, it will be parsed and CSS Style objects and a CSS Stylesheet object created. That Stylesheet will be applied to the Xul-DOM. Lastly if a JavaScript script exists, it will be parsed by Rhino and linked to the Xul-DOM by way of proxy objects. Lastly, (not yet implemented) all JavaScript fragments that act as event handlers will be registered with their associated JComponents in the peer Map.
Xul Applets
TBD. Again, your suggestions are welcome.
Xul Fragment Factory
Parsing of a text fragment that describes a single XUL widget will generate a instantiated Xul Widget object. If the Xul fragment is a container it will be allowed to have child elements. Appropriate event handlers will be passed into the factory method at instantiation.
Swing Resources
Additional requirements for this need to be collected. Your input is needed! What would you find useful?
Xul Applications
Another key requirements for XUL applications will not only be able to run them on the Java platform but be able to debug them. A very ambitious goal is to be able to step through the XUL file, line by line, to properly debug it. This will be extremely helpful to XUL hackers.
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