Welcome to the jXUL project!
- Java
- A programming language and platform with the goal of
enabling Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA).
- XUL (The eXtensible User-Interface Language)
- XUL is a eXtensible Markup Language (XML) based syntax to describe
cross-platform graphical user interfaces (GUI).
The jXUL project
is an open source project to integrate the XUL language
into the Java Platform. There are multiple ways in which this integration will take place. In fact, this
project will expand as its members find new ways to integrate these two technologies.
The diagram below depicts the initial goal for the jXul architecture. The top
layer (in orange) is the end result or what the user and programmer gets out of the framework.The lower layers support
the upper layers. For more information on the architecture and project plans, click on the appropriate link on the left.
The organizers of this project hope that you will join us in integrating these
technologies! The benefits of a single language to describe resources and build dynamic user interfaces will help
programmers increase their productivity! To help out, click on the Project Plans link.
- Michael C. Daconta |